Object Reference

The main objects on PyFlot


Series(data=None, xpoints=None, ypoints=None, options=None,**kwargs)

class Series(dict):
    data = []
    _options = SeriesOptions()
  • data

    data argument ca be used to directly pass the data values to the Series.

import flot
flot.Series(data=zip(range(0,5), range(0,5)))
  • xpoints, ypoints

    xpoints and ypoints can be used to pass directly the points on the x and y axis. Keep in mind that that they both need to be the same size.

import flot
flot.Series(xpoints=range(0, 5), ypoints=range(5,10))
  • options

    options its what should be used to series costumization. Things like label or color can be configured using just by passning a SeriesOptions object on this argument.

import flot
flot.Series(xpoints=range(0, 5), ypoints=range(0,5),
            options=flot.SeriesOptions(label='y=x', color='red'))

If the series is being created by class definition, the options are set by the series Meta class attribute.

import flot
class Series(flot.Series):
    data = zip(range(0, 5),range(0, 5))

    class Meta:
        label = 'y=x'
        color = 'blue'


This is a graph object The graph object its meant to group one or more series objects so that it can be displayed on the page.

Assuming we have series such as:

import flot
series_a = flot.Series(data=[(1, 1), (2, 2) , (3, 3), (4, 4)])
series_b = flot.Series(data=[(1, 2), (2, 3) , (3, 5), (4, 7)])

The series can be grouped on a Graph object by:

flot.Graph(series1=series_a, series2=series_b)


flot.Graph([series_a, series_b])
  • options

    options its what should be used to graph display costumization. GraphOptions object.

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